For children under 8-years-old

$10 (no polish)
$15 (with gel or regular polish)


 For children under 8-years-old

$25 (no polish)
$35 (with gel or regular polish)

 For children under 8-years-old

$35 (no polish)
$50 (with gel or regular polish)

With gel or regular polish


For children from 8-years-old to 12-years-old: $25

 With gel or regular polish


For children from 8-years-old to 12-years-old: $45


With gel polish


For children from 8-years-old to 12-years-old: $70

 Without polish


For children from 8-years-old to 12-years-old: $15

 Without polish
For children from 8-years-old to 12-years-old: $30


Without polish
For children from 8-years-old to 12-years-old: $45


For children under 8-year-old
Mini Mani-Pedi with Face Painting or Mini make-up: $75


For children from 8-year-old to 12-year-old


Princess Mani-Pedi plus a choice either Mini Facial or Massage: $110

•  Our stated pricing is for cash value. At the time of check out, you will be presented with a choice between the discounted cash price or the additional 3% cost of the non-cash transaction.

•  Every single dollar spent is counted as 1 point reward then turns into a great discount later. If you pay CASH or APPS, you will receive a DOUBLE point reward. Your point reward is never expired.
Thank you for your business!